Open Space Master Plan Community Workshop

Longmont’s Department of Public Works & Natural Resources is in the process of updating the City’s Open Space Master Plan. The intent of this comprehensive plan is to evaluate Longmont’s open space needs to proactively plan for the future. To that end, the city is holding an interactive community workshop on February 22, 2018 from 7-9pm at the Natural Resources building located at 7 South Sunset Street Longmont, CO 80501. 

The original plan is 16 years old (2002) and a lot has changed since then.  Let your voice be heard as the city revises its plan for Longmont’s Open Space!

  • The meeting will consist of a presentation and interactive work stations. Participants will be asked a variety of questions to evaluate the open space accomplishments over the past 15 years and to assess the needs of the community that should be addressed in this updated comprehensive plan.
  • Dinnertime snacks will be provided during a welcome period from 6:30 – 7pm just before the meeting.
  • Participants should plan to attend for the full time.
  • Youth participation is encouraged.
  • Spanish translators will be available.

2 thoughts on “Open Space Master Plan Community Workshop”

    1. Hi Deirdre, the first workshop (Gathering Desires) for the update of the Longmont Open Space Master plan is tonight, 2/22, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM, at the Sunset Campus city building at 7 South Sunset Street in Longmont. Sunset Campus is right across the street from Izaak Walton Park, next to the railroad tracks. The second workshop (Examining Options) will take place on 3/22. You can find more information here at this link:

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