Learn About Our Open Space Sales Tax Extension Effort and Why it’s Necessary
This November, 2024, Longmont citizens will be asked to vote on Ballot Measure #3A, which reads:
Without increasing tax rates or imposing any new tax, shall the city of Longmont’s existing two-tenths of a cent sales tax for open space purposes, currently set to sunset in 2034, be extended indefinitely with the revenues generated from such taxes continuing to be used to acquire, improve, and maintain open space for purposes including but not limited to:
- preservation of natural areas, wildlife habitat, wetlands, agriculture and visual corridors; and
- district parks devoted to low-impact recreational uses?
To campaign in support of the Open Space Sales Tax Extension ballot measure, Stand With Our St. Vrain Creek has formed an issue committee (what is an issue committee?) under the name Friends of Open Space.
If you’d like to donate to the “YES on Open Space” campaign and help pay for campaign materials such as handouts and flyers, you can donate by clicking the following secure Paypal link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=EEFEE32YWT9PJ or scan the following QR code: