City Council Meeting Open Space Sales Tax Ballot Measure First Reading

This Tuesday, August 13th, City Council will be reviewing an ordinance making Longmont’s Open Space Sales Tax permanent and deciding whether to put the measure on the ballot this November.

Stand is asking supporters to attend this “first reading”, specifically the Public Invited to Be Heard section of the meeting, to show their support for the ordinance. Please wear green.

City Council Meeting

City Council has voted to add the Open Space Sales Tax permanent extension to the November 2024 ballot! Thank you to everyone who signed our appeal and/or showed up to City Council to show your support for the measure.

We’re looking for people to show up at City Council on Tuesday, July 23rd wearing green to show your continued support. The Longmont Natural Resources department will be making a presentation tomorrow regarding the Open Space program and future acquisitions/maintenance costs in response to a City Council request for such information. You will only need to remain for the public invited to be heard portion of the meeting.

We will also have Open Space Yes! owl yard signs for you if you’d like to take one for this election season.